Tag Archives: The Peanuts

Animated Traditions

I’ll admit watching the Charlie Brown specials is kind of tradition in my family. The Christmas one is the favorite in the family but I’ve always loved the catchy tune in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

I felt bad for Snoopy who has to struggle with the beach chair just to get it to open properly.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Cause He Made Me Wanna Be Joe Cool

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Like many people, I was saddened by the news of B.B. King’s recent passing. The first song that I ever heard from him was Joe Cool which was on the Happy Anniversary Charlie Brown! soundtrack. The song talks about Snoopy’s slick persona who charmed the ladies but never seemed to win them over for long. While I felt bad for Snoopy messing things up with the two ladies in this song, I think B.B. King brought a great, twangy, soulful sound that matched Joe Cool’s persona.

In short, I wanted to be as cool as Joe Cool – maybe I still do.